Registration and publication fee can be transferred to the following account:
Bank Name: BNI
Bank Swift Code: BNINIDJA
Beneficiary’s Name: RPL 008 UNRI utk DANA KELOLAAN BLU
Beneficiary’s Account Number: 0236190650
Beneficiary’s Address: Universitas Riau, Jl. HR. Soebrantas, Km. 12. Simpangbaru. Pekanbaru. 28293. Indonesia
Please have a note: Registration and publication fee that have been submitted by author to the Beneficiary account can not be asked back for whatever any reasons.
All the participants should do a payment for publication process as shown in the following table (Based on Rector Decision: 2554/UN 19/ KPT/2020).
Published online by IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Indexed in Scopus)
Professional (Presentation & Publication)
Indonesian: IDR. 1,800,000
International: USD. 160.00
Student (Presentation & Publication)
Indonesian: IDR. 1,400,000
International: USD. 130.00
Presentation Only (without publication)
Indonesian: IDR. 700,000
International: USD. 50.00
Indonesian: IDR. 0,000
International: USD. 0.00
After doing the registration and publication fee payment, Participant will have the following items:
- Conference kit
- Lunch
- Two coffee breaks (morning and afternoon)
- Access to all parallel sessions
- Certificate (for the Presenter, or registered participant)
- Conference Proceedings (Online in IOP Website)
In case of the Corona 19 Pandemic, please have a note that the items number 1-3 will be not available if the conference conducted via online (Video Conference)